Maria Papathanasiou

January 11, 2020
Music Review for Maria's solo recital
After Maria’s solo recital at Middle Temple, in January, Stuart Millson (classical music editor of The Quarterly Review) reviewed her performance. You can read it here: . You can listen to clips of this performance in the Video section
February 08, 2018
Music scholarships students' success!
All of Maria's students who competed for a music scholarship for entering prestigious secondary schools of UK, have succeeded! Students managed to secure places in schools including Winchester College, Newhall, Rugby school among others. One of Maria's oboe students also got accepted in Royal Academy of Music- Junior Academy! Best of luck for their brilliant music futures!
November 18, 2017
Maria's students triumph!
Maria's students have triumphed at the Southend Festival, winning 10 medals and a trophy! Congratulations to everyone!
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A b o u t M a r i a
One of "the brightest new talents in classical music" and one of "the most aspiring and promising members of a new-generation of musicians" - Stuart Millson (Classical Music Editor of The Quarterly Review)
"Maria's genuine artistry and child-like enthusiasm is a rare and refreshing treat for us all, teachers, performers and students. Her musical involvement is such that she awakens in us the desire to be part of her musical journey" - Christos Noulis (Pianist, professor of piano and somatics for musicians)
"In a few words - My only regret is not having found my teacher Maria Papathanasiou much earlier - 50 years earlier!!!! I often wonder how I might have developed in my childhood, had I had a teacher so encouraging, so dynamic, so motivational and so inspiring, as she is a classically trained artist in the music world.
But having started out as a beginner at the age of 63 I have had the most marvellous year, gaining a Distinction at my first Grade exam at the London Guildhall. I have also participated in a music competition and was awarded a gold medal.
I would say to parents considering recorder or oboe lessons - Go for it, your child will benefit - it's a real confidence builder. As an adult student, Maria's classes are nothing sort of masterclasses, she recognises the need of the adult student, whilst unlocking the power of the inner child.
Recorder playing is undergoing a renaissance and there are so many opportunities for students young and old." - Esther Thompson (Adult recorder student)
22 & 24
Sunday 22nd & Tuesday April 2018 | 19:00 - 22:00
Bloomsbury Opera presents: The Marriage of Figaro.
Great Hall, London House, Meckleburgh Square, WC1N 2AB, London. Tickets:
Sunday 5th March 2017
Performing Seven Last words of Christ - Haydn, Mendelssohn's 5th Symphony.
March 24, 2016
Project with Gustavo Dudamel and
the Young Orchestra East
Barbican Centre
London, England
Photo by Simon Way